THE RECKONING: Women Artists of the New Millennium

In The Reckoning, we bring into focus the accomplishments of 24 acclaimed international women artists born since 1960 who have benefited from the groundbreaking efforts of their predecessors. The book is organized in four thematic sections: "Bad Girls" profiles artists whose work represents an assault on conventional notions of gender and racial difference. "History Lessons" offers reflections on the self in the context of history and globalization. "Spellbound" focuses on women’s embrace of the irrational, subjective, and surreal, while Domestic Disturbances" takes on women’s conflicted relationship to home, family, and security.

Praise for The Reckoning: Women Artists of the New Millennium

“In the 2007 book After the Revolution: Women Who Transformed Contemporary Art, four writers  —  Eleanor Heartney, Helaine Posner, Nancy Princenthal and Sue Scott — set a new standard in documenting and evaluating the work of a dozen key women artists spanning generations between the 1960s and 2000. In tracing their histories, the book effectively also defined the most important and influential art developments of the 20th century.

The beat goes on with the appearance of The Reckoning: Women Artists of the New Millennium, written by the same authors in the the same accessible scholarly style, but reflecting important historical changes over the past decade and more. In line with the increased presence of women in mainstream art, the book includes twice as many artists as its predecessor. And its global reach had expanded vastly, stretching from Europe and the Americas to Africa and China.

What remains constant is the dynamism of art considered: boundless in its variety; committed but uncontainable in it politics; dauntlessly experimental in its approach to social and personal realities; wise enough to have followed up Revolution with revolutions many, constant and to have made change it andself ongoing tradition the big one.”

Holland Cotter, The New York Times

“Feminism’s success as a cultural force can be measured in the ways that artists — men and women — have embraced, challenged, and renegotiated its assumptions. In a brilliant and beautifully illustrated study, the four authors of The Reckoning explore the ways that women artists born after 1960 are shaping the visual culture worldwide. Elegant, moving, and jargon-free, their account focuses on the artist as an active, empowered, critical subject whose works have the power to move, excite, and provoke....An indispensable contribution to the literature on contemporary art by women.”

Whitney Chadwick, Author of Women, Art, and Society.